10 Surefire Ways to Bolster Your YouTube Conversion Rates

November 21, 2022

If you’re asking yourself how to increase conversion rates on YouTube, I'll do everything in my power to answer this question and provide helpful tips to increase your YouTube conversion rates.

YouTube is the perfect place to showcase your products and services. It’s the second largest search engine in the world, so knowing how to increase your conversion rates there is worth its weight in gold.

So if you're looking to drive traffic and conversions, YouTube should be your go-to platform.


Knowing this, YouTube conversion rates can vary depending on many factors, including the:

  1. Channel topic…
  2. Quality of the content…
  3. The call to action…
  4. The thumbnails…
  5. and much more

If you’re running ads, the conversion rates will be different than if you’re just looking for more subscribers, or increased traffic towards your information or eCommerce products.

This article will be focused on general conversion rates, rather than ads. If you’re looking for a guide to improving your ad conversions, go here.  

Now keep reading, and I’ll do my best to explain how you can increase your YouTube conversion rates today.


What is the average YouTube conversion rate?

On average, conversion rates on YouTube range from 1-2%.

So for every 100 views, only 1-2 people will take the desired action, whether that be subscribing, clicking on a link to your landing page, buying a product, or even just watching the next video.

Anything from 5% - 10% is considered very good, and 10% - 15% is incredible. Above that and you’re a YouTube conversion rate rockstar.


Of course, YouTube conversion rates can vary depending on the specific goal as well.

For example, if you're asking viewers to subscribe to your channel, your conversion rate will be higher than if you're asking them to go to your website and buy a product.

This is especially true considering the YouTube algorithm does not like its users leaving them for other platforms. YouTube wants you to be using YouTube for as long as possible, not journeying off to strange websites. 

Nonetheless, YouTube is an incredible platform for driving conversions, and with some strategic planning, your channel can see significant conversion results.

Now let’s get into how to increase conversion rates on YouTube.


1. Create higher-quality content

When it comes to YouTube marketing, one of the most important things you can do is create quality content.

After all, no matter how great your marketing strategy is, it won't matter if your videos are low-quality and unengaging.

Luckily, creating quality content isn't as difficult as it may seem. There are a few simple tips you can follow to ensure that your videos are of the highest possible quality.

Make sure that your videos are well-scripted and edited.

A well-written script will ensure that your video flows smoothly and makes sense. Good editing will help to make your video more visually appealing and engaging.

The more time you spend on creating interesting, engaging, well-written content, the more likely your viewer will be to convert into a subscriber or customer.

YouTube viewers have notoriously low attention spans. You can increase their average view time (keep them watching) by using editing techniques like:

increase YouTube view time tricks

You might consider investing in high-quality cameras and microphones that will help to improve the overall quality of your videos. This will give your brand a professional look, and increase your YouTube conversion rates.


2. Use more attractive thumbnails

anatomy of a popular YouTube thumbnail

Great thumbnails are super important for increasing YouTube conversion rates.

They give viewers a sneak preview of the content they can expect to see. If the thumbnail looks great, then the content is probably great as well, right?

A well-designed thumbnail can be the difference between a viewer clicking on a video or scrolling through to the next one.

The most effective thumbnails are those that are eye-catching and visually appealing.

If you need a tool to create great thumbnails, I prefer Canva.com. Or you could hire a talented designer off Fiverr.com or Upwork.com.

You can also study what other popular YouTubers in your niche are doing, and emulate (not steal, cough) their style.

The thumbnails should be relevant to the video's content. If your video is promoting your yoga business, then it should show someone doing yoga.

When choosing a thumbnail for your video, it’s important to consider both its aesthetic appeal and its ability to accurately represent the video's content. By taking the time to create an attractive thumbnail, you can help ensure that your video gets the attention it deserves.

So if you're looking to improve your conversion rates on YouTube, make sure to use attractive thumbnails.


3. Create stronger hooks

You may have the world’s best info product solutions for BMX gurus, but if your video title doesn't grab attention, your YouTube conversion rates will suffer.

A good title (hook) should be clear, concise, and to the point. It should also be relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you're selling a new type of fat loss supplement on your health channel, a headline like, "Lose weight by breathing? (Incredible results!)" would be more effective than, "Lose weight today”.

In addition to being relevant and attention-grabbing, your headline should create emotion in the reader. It should ask a question, and then offer a solution – all while creating curiosity, intrigue or even FOMO (fear of missing out).

Creating attention-grabbing headlines is no easy task. You could improve your headlines by studying copywriting, or by hiring a pro copywriter who specializes in YouTube conversion rates.

You can always test your hooks for free on sites like Reddit.com, by posting in your relevant niche subreddit. There, Redditors will vote on your title, up or down. Just make sure you read the subreddit's rules so you don’t get banned for self-promotion.


4. Use annotations and cards

YouTube annotation and cards

YouTube's conversion rate is said to improve if you use annotations and cards

Annotations are little text boxes that you can place anywhere within your video, and they're a great way to give viewers more information about your product without interrupting the content flow.

They could also link the viewer to other relevant videos, carrying them further down your sales funnel.

Cards are clickable call-to-action overlays that you can place on your videos to encourage viewers to take a specific action, such as visiting your website or subscribing to your YouTube channel.

They are quite similar but differ depending on whether the viewer is on desktop or mobile device.

When used effectively, both annotations and cards can help improve your YouTube conversion rate by providing viewers with additional information and giving them a clear call-to-action.


5. Make your videos shorter and more to the point

When it comes to YouTube - less is more.  

YouTube viewers have short attention spans and want their information delivered immediately. They are looking for information that they can digest quickly, so make sure that your videos are engaging and easy to understand.

If you can hook them with fast, punchy, to-the-point information, your viewers will stay hooked on your videos, increasing your conversion rates on YouTube.

The best way to do this is to edit your videos down to the essential information and get rid of any excess footage. I know you’re an artist, and it can be painful to cut scenes down – especially after working so hard on it – but it's essential if you want your videos to be successful at converting viewers to customers.

If you follow these tips, you will see an increase in your YouTube conversion rates.


6. Engage more with your viewers

If you want to improve your conversion rate on YouTube, you need to engage with viewers.

You see, YouTube measures a video’s worth by user engagement. That means likes, shares and comments.

But engaging means more than just responding to comments; it means creating a conversation, sparking dialogue with your audience, and encouraging them to take action.

The best way to do this is to create interactive and informative videos, and then ask the viewers to comment.

For example, say something like this in your video:

Have you had any success with XYZ supplement? Let us know in the comments!

You can also sticky a comment in the comment section, asking for engagement.


What topic would you like us to cover in our next video? Leave a comment below

You could also try weekly, or daily live streaming. This can build trust and loyalty with your subscribers, compelling them to share your content, and purchase your products. Then save those live streams for replays, generating even more views for your channel.

You may also incentivize sharing by promising to do giveaways, or by releasing special content when you hit a specific like or share count.

Remember, YouTube is social media. By engaging with viewers, you can build a relationship with them, and increase the chances that they'll take the next step, increasing your conversion rates.


7. Improve your landing pages

If your goal is to drive conversion rates on YouTube, but you’re sending them to a landing page and they’re not converting, then you may need to improve that landing page.

You should learn how to write compelling copy, or hire a great copywriter to review your landing pages.

Your landing page should be to the point. Keep it simple and don’t talk about things that don’t matter, like the ten-year history of the CEO’s travels in Guatemala.

What are your viewers there for? What problems are you trying to solve for them?

The headline should let them know immediately what they are there for. If they came from YouTube looking for leaky roof solutions, the headline should reflect that.

  • “Tired of expensive roof repairs every winter?”
  • “Become a certified hypnotherapist in just 1 week.”
  • “New back pain solution discovered in Guatemala. Incredible results fast.”

YouTube viewers are used to watching videos, so you may want videos on your landing pages too. Or you could upgrade your landing page to a full vsl (video sales letter).

Use strong visual elements to break up your copy so it’s not one wall of text. You can find great stock images on sites like dreamstime.com.

By following these tips, you can design landing pages that are more effective at converting visitors into leads or customers.


8. Optimize your SEO video descriptions

A great way to improve your YouTube conversion rates is to increase the traffic to your video. The best way to do this is through SEO-optimized video descriptions.

Here below is an example of a well-optimized SEO description from a video on landing page design:

There are several important elements that every high-converting landing page contains:

Make sure to include the relevant keywords in the first sentence, and several times throughout the description. For the above example, the keyword is “Landing page.”

100 - 500 words are the norm. Less than that and YouTube won’t know what your video is about. I believe it’s better to have more than fewer words in your description.

Also, try to include keywords in your video. YouTube is now analyzing the transcriptions of your videos and using that information for SEO purposes.


9. Try A/B split testing

A/B split testing would be a great way to improve your conversion rates on YouTube.

Unfortunately, there is no function on YouTube that allows this. Also, posting the same video twice, with a different title, may annoy your subscribers.

However, you can split-test your landing pages. Try creating different versions of your landing pages, and see which ones have better-performing conversions.

You could also try changing the copy in your video description, or the CTA’s within your video.

I suggest keeping the changes small, which will make things easier to track. Try changing the headline, or moving the cta higher or lower up the copy. Then wait a few days, or weeks, to see if things improve.


10. Use playlists

A single video may not be enough to guide your viewer from the top to the bottom of the sales funnel. This is where playlists come in handy.

By utilizing a YouTube feature called “playlists” you can group your videos into categories. These categories will play videos automatically, pulling the viewer through a pre-planned video series. 

For example, if your viewer is interested in a specific cryptocurrency, you could create a playlist only for that coin. The more videos the viewer watches, the further down the playlist, and the sales funnel they go.

A playlist can create a strong relationship with your brand, and help drive up conversions.



While many factors go into a successful channel, following the tips in this post will help you increase your YouTube conversion rates and take your channel to the next level.

Just to recap, the ten tips to improve your conversion rates on YouTube are:

  1. Create higher-quality content
  2. Use more attractive thumbnails
  3. Create stronger hooks
  4. Use annotations and cards
  5. Make your videos shorter and more to the point
  6. Engage more with your viewers
  7. Improve your landing pages
  8. Optimize your SEO video descriptions
  9. Try A/B split testing
  10. Use playlists  

By following these tips, you should see a significant improvement in your conversion rates on Youtube.

If you have any questions or tips on how to increase your Youtube conversion rates, just leave a comment below!

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